舉凡Metallica、Megadeth、Exodus、Death Angel等大家耳熟能詳的巨星樂團都是出自於此,
Thrash Metal在80年代中期更席捲了整個美國搖滾樂壇,甚至漂洋過海進入歐洲各國,
在全球掀起一股熱潮;不過隨著世代交替以及另類音樂的興起,Thrash Metal也一度進入冬眠狀態,
直到近幾年英美不約而同颳起NWOAHM和Old School Thrash Revival旋風,
而其中老大哥代表Exodus在1985年發表的「Bonded By Blood」
成立於1981年的Exodus初期團員編制為Gary Holt(吉他)、Kirk Hammett(吉他)、Goeff Andrews(貝斯)和Tom Hunting(鼓),
主唱先是由Tim Agnello暫任,隔年Paul Baloff(R.I.P 1960-2002)才正式接下麥克風,
Kirk選擇離開轉入Metallica,空缺位置找來Rick Hunolt補上,
貝斯最後也換成Rob McKillop;
經歷多任成員變動的Exodus終於在1985年夏天推出了讓大家期待許久、嘔心瀝血的首張專輯「Bonded By Blood」。
什麼都不必多說,同名單曲"Bonded by Blood"一衝出隨即叫所有人陷入抓狂情緒,
所以在"And Then There Were None"、"A Lesson in Violence"、"Piranha"等曲中皆感受得到些許早期Metallica影子;
Holt與Hunolt的正宗雙H合體吉他飆奏可在"Metal Command"、"No Love"、"Strike of the Beast"痛快體驗;
而長達七分多的"Deliver Us to Evil"在當時更是大膽試練!
但他們卻是當時灣區鞭金的箭頭級樂團,主唱Paul Ballof的尖聲嘶吼為樂團特色之一,
首張專輯「Boned By Blood」樂風火爆辛辣絕不輸Metallica、Megadeth等優秀後生晚輩,不過在「Boned By Blood」推出之後,
Paul Ballof則離團開始雲遊灣區各樂團,接替Paul職位的是Legacy(來改名為Testament)初代主唱Steve Souza,
連唱腔也承襲了Paul Ballof式的狗吠狂叫,
而1997年樂團重新復出,主唱Paul Ballof歸隊,發行了一張現場專輯「Another Lesson In Violence」,
收錄了當時Kirt Hammett在籍時的未發表作品"Impaler",
但不幸的Paul Ballof因藥物過量導致昏迷,在2002年的2月2日過世,Paul Ballof在樂界名望頗高,
國外影像雜誌Tales for the pit還為此作了一紀念特集。
推薦歌曲:bonded by blood, blacklist, scar spangled, war is my shepherd, deliver us to evil, Piranha, no love
It is no mystery
What you get is what you see
You betrayed my loyalty
You've gone and done me wrong
Now I do you harm
My revenge is guaranteed
You stabbed me in the back
Spit right in my eye
Dragging me into the fray
Take you out, right you off, there's never enough
Ways to throw you away
You'd better start runnin'
Cause you know that I'm comin'
Cocked and loaded and I never miss
I'm onto your game
And I'm layin' the blame
And I'm addin' your name to my blacklist
You shoulda thought twice
Cause your playin' with your life
You must have some sort of deathwish
I haven't any doubt
That your time has run out
Cause I've added your name
To my blacklist
You tried to beat me
Thought you could defeat me
But how you we ever wrong
I rise to the occasion
Character assassination
To put you down where you belong
You've got a lot to say
When I'm so far away
Now you've got a problem with me
Take you out, write you off, when I've had enough
Of your verbal debris
You'd better start runnin'
Cause you know that I'm comin'
Cocked and loaded and I never miss
I'm onto your game
And I'm layin' the blame
And I'm addin' your name to my blacklist
You shoulda thought twice
Cause your playin' with your life
You must have some sort of deathwish
I haven't any doubt
That your time has run out
Cause I've added your name
To my blacklist
For all the shit you talk
You've never walked the walk
All you do is run and hide
Slander me, slag me
I'm not a man you should deride
I've heard everything
All your mudslinging
You better run, as fast as you can
Take you out, write you off, are you brave enough
To stand and fight like a man
You'd better start runnin'
Cause you know that I'm comin'
Cocked and loaded and I never miss
I'm onto your game
And I'm layin' the blame
And I'm addin' your name to my blacklist
You shoulda thought twice
Cause your playin' with your life
You must have some sort of deathwish
I haven't any doubt
That your time has run out
Cause I've added your name
To my blacklist
I've added your name
To my blacklist